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자료: 영국 성공회의 홈페이지에 나타난 종교통합적 에큐메니즘

Inter Faith Relations and Presence and Engagement

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Inter Faith Relations and Presence and Engagement

다 종교간 관계의 상황과 참여


Recognising the significant changes which have led to religious plurality in our society, the General Synod as long ago as 1981 endorsed the Four Principles of Inter Faith Dialogue agreed ecumenically by the British Council of Churches:


(우리 사회가 종교 다원화로 나아가는 중요한 변화를 감지하고, 1981년 총회에서 다음 4개항의 다종교간 대화의 원칙을 승인하였고 이것은 영국 교회 협의회가 동의하였다. : )

  • Dialogue begins when people meet each other
  • Dialogue depends upon mutual understanding and mutual trust
  • Dialogue makes it possible to share in service to the community
  • Dialogue becomes the medium of authentic witness
  •       ( * 서로 만날 때 대화를 시작한다.

            * 상호 이해와 상호 신뢰를 바탕으로 대화한다.

            * 공동체에 대한 봉사를 나누도록 만드는 대화를 한다.

            * 대화는 권위있는 증빙을 갖춘 매체가 된다. )


    The Church of England, in partnership with other Christian churches, seeks to build up good relations with people of other faith traditions, and where possible to co-operate with them in service to society.


    ( 성공회 교회는 다른 기독교 교회와 협력하여 다른 종교의 사람들과 좋은 관계를 구축하는 일을 도모한다. 또 그들과 사회적인 봉사하는데 협력한다.)


    The point of contact for enquiries on Inter Faith Relations is

    Canon Guy Wilkinson
    Inter Faith Relations Adviser
    Archbishops' Council of the Church of England
    Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3NZ
    E-mail: pamela.harrison@c-of-e.org.uk

    Partners ( 파트너들 )

    The Anglican commitment to working ecumenically in inter faith relations is strong and is reflected in its involvement with a number of organisations. Bishops, clergy and lay people of the Church of England are involved in several national inter faith initiatives.At parish level congregations are engaged with the other faith communities of their neighbourhoods.


    ( 다종교간 에큐메니칼 운동에 참여한다는 영국 성공회의 공약은 매우 강하며, 수많은 조직에 가입하여 활동하는 것으로 나타난다. 영국 성공회의 주교들과 중직과 평신도들은 여러 다종교 추진 조직에 가입하여 활동하고 있다. 교구 차원에서도 그들의 이웃의 타종교 공동체와 집회 활동을 갖는다. )



    Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - The Revd Peter Colwell is the CTBI’s inter Faith relations Adviser

    ( 영국 아이랜드 교회 협력 )

    Churches Together in England - Ms Celia Blackden is the CTE’s inter Faith relations Adviser

    ( 영국 교회 협력 )

    The Churches Inter Religious Network is one of the Networks of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

    ( 종교간 교회 네트웍 )

    The Inter Faith Network for the UK works to build good relations between the communities of all the major faiths in Britain: Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Zoroastrian. The Bishop of Southwark is currently one of the two Co-Chairs of the Network. +Tom Butler (Southwark) is currently one of the two Co-Chairs of the Network.

    ( 영국 종교간 네트웍 : 영국내 주요 종교 : 바하이, 불교, 기독교, 힌두교, 자인교, 유대교, 이슬람교, 시크교, 조로아스터교의 공동체간의 좋은 관계 형성 도모 )

    The Faith Communities Consultative Council in the Department of Communities and Local brings together representatives of faith communities to work together with the Government

    ( 종교 자문 위원회 : 정부/지역 공동체부와 각 종교 공동체들의 협력 사업 도모 )

    The Council of Christians and Jews, of which the Archbishop of Canterbury is one of the Presidents, seeks to bring together Christian and Jewish Communities in a common effort to fight prejudice, intolerance and discrimination. David Gifford is the Chief Executive and +Nigel McCulloch (Manchester) is the Chair

    ( 기독교와 유대교 위원회 )

    The Christian Muslim Forum was initiated in 2006 after an extensive Listening Exercise across the Christian and Muslim communities of the country. +Richard Cheetham (Kingston) is the co-Chair with Dr Musharraf Hussain and the Archbishop of Canterbury is Founding Patron

    ( 기독교와 이슬람 포럼 )

    The Network for Inter Faith Concerns (NIFCON) The Church of England is also in touch with inter faith issues internationally through being a member church of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which includes churches in very diverse situations of religious plurality. Within the Anglican Communion, NIFCON links those in different provinces with a particular concern for inter faith relations, and coordinates news and resources in this area.


    ( 타종교 관련 네트웍 : 세계의 영국 성공회 공동체가 종교 다원주의적 상황에서 국제적으로 타종교간 대화 활동들에 대하여 본부 영국 성공회는 관계성을 갖는다. 영국 성공회 공동체안에서 NIFCON( 타종교 관련 네트웍)은 한 지역의 타종교간 활동상의 특별한 관심사를 다른 지역에 링크하고 서로 소식과 자원을 교류한다. )


    The Archbishop of Canterbury has, on behalf of the Anglican Communion, developed two inter religious dialogue:

    al-Azhar al-Sharif, is the leading centre of Sunni Islamic scholarship worldwide, based in Cairo.

    The Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Anglican Jewish Commission was established in September 2006


    ( 켄터베리 대주교는 성공회를 대신하여 다음 두가지 타종교간 대화를 진척시킨다. :

    알 자르 샤리프는 카이로에 있는 세계 수니파 이슬람의 주도적 센터이다.

    이스라엘 랍비 총본부와 영국 유대교 위원회는 2006년 9월에 설립되었다.)


    Diocesan Inter Faith Relations Advisers: across the country, a network of Inter Faith Relations Advisers and contacts in each diocese provide specialist advice and encouragement for church leaders and members seeking to develop good relations with members of different faiths. Bishops often have a particularly important role to play alongside other religious leaders and ecumenical colleagues in speaking for the faith communities. Some of the ways in which local churches are involved in inter faith work include :

    • Joining or helping to establish councils of faiths or inter faith groups
    • Practical partnerships, e.g. caring for homeless people or asylum seekers; urban regeneration schemes; young people's projects; groups to fight racism
    • Building up links with nearby mosques, synagogues, temples, or gurdwaras - arranging visits, exchanging seasonal greetings, and so on
    • Combating misinformation, prejudice and bigotry about other faiths
    • Responding courteously to requests to use church halls and other premises
    • Studying inter faith issues and reflecting theologically on them
    • Forming small groups where people of different faiths can meet to share experiences in trust, friendship and prayer
    • The Church of England also has a major involvement in the areas of education, health care, the prison service, and civic life; in all of these dimensions of communal life, the presence of significant numbers of people from other faiths is leading to new patterns of pastoral ministry and spiritual care. Click here for the inter faith dimension of chaplaincy in hospitals, or Chaplaincy in Prisons


      Presence and Engagement: the churches' task in a multi Faith society. Issues of inter faith relations are mainstream concerns for Government and society.  This report, produced for the July 2005 General Synod debate,  focuses on the situation of churches in multi Faith neighbourhoods, with the aim of re-affirming the commitment of the Church of England’s ministry in these areas, encouraging dioceses to review their strategies for supporting clergy, and encouraging theological reflection.  The report includes research carried out in the Presence and Engagement project, which investigated the Church of England’s role in parishes with significant multi Faith communities. The Presence and Engagement Task Group, chaired by +David James (Bradford) is taking forward the programme of work from the General Synod’s resolution and the website with a range of resources including bible studies can be found at: www.presenceandengagement.org.uk

      Porvoo Guidelines The Porvoo Communion draws together Anglican churches from Britain and Ireland with Lutheran churches from Scandinavia and the Baltic. These guidelines emerged from a consultation held in Oslo in December 2003. They have no official status, but offer some practical guidelines on pastoral issues.

      Inter Faith Marriage Guidelines Two d0cuments that give background guidelines: one that will be of  help to clergy, one that will provide pastoral help to those contemplating a mixed faith marriage.

      Sharing One Hope? Church House Publishing 2001 (ISBN 0 7151 5546 6)

      A report exploring relations between Christians and Jews over the past two millennia, a relationship that has been described as 'the longest hatred'. This report challenges the Church of England to find hopeful and honest ways to help in transforming that hatred into respect and trust.

      Scriptures in Dialogue Church House Publishing 2004 (ISBN 0 7151 4012 4)

      Edited by Michael Ipgrave, this book contains papers by Tom Wright, Esther Mombo, Mona Siddiqui and others and includes a major lecture on inter faith relations given by Rowan Williams. The book comes out of a seminar held in Doha at the invitation of the Amir of Qatar, the focus being the intensive study of passages from the Qur'an and the Bible addressing questions such as discernment of the Word of God, the place of women in their believing communities, and making space for the religious 'Other'.

      The Road Ahead Church House Publishing 2002 (ISBN 0 7151 5002 2)

      Drawing on the insights and expertise of Christians and Muslims from a wide variety of nations and cultures, this book offers a message of hope to all who seek to build bridges between those who follow the world's two biggest religions.

      Building Good Relations (ISBN 0 9517 4324 4)

      This useful leaflet published by the Inter Faith Network of the UK offers a code of conduct for encouraging and strengthening relationships between people of different faiths, with the emphasis on honesty, compassion and generosity of spirit.

      Multi-faith Worship? (ISBN 0 7151 5530 X)

      The Inter-Faith Consultative Group discusses the various types of mult-faith worship, and considers the theological issues involved.

      Lambeth Conference Resolutions on inter faith issues passed at the 1998 Lambeth Conference.

      The following publications are available from Inter Faith Relations, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3NZ:

      Communities and Buildings:A report that looks at the use of church buildings by those of other faiths, in agreement with the church;  and what should happend to those church buildings which are no longer needed by local Christians.

      Room for Religion: a paper offering principles and guildeinesfor those who find themselves asked for advice about the construction, adaptation or use of a building, a set of rooms or a single area which is to be used for worship and prayer by people from a variety of faith traditions.

      Multi-Faith Worship: Some guidelines on the actual decisions which have to be made when some form of 'multi-faith worship' is proposed. Focuses on general principles, rather than attempt to spell out a detaild code for every specific occasion.

      Multi-Faith Worship: Questions and suggestions from the Inter Faith Consultative Group.  Offers among other things, theological perspectives; guidance for when visiting a place of worship of other faiths; the legal position.

      Sharing one Hope?: this paper is presented as a contribution for  carrying forward a growing tradition of reflection and debate - it presents a specifically Church of England perspective and it's focus is the Christian side of Christian-Jewish relationships.

      Some other relevant links:

      Committee on Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns

      Issues to do with minority ethnic Anglicans in the Church of England. Racial justice within the Church. Priorities to promote minority ethnic vocations to the ordained ministry, encourage minority ethnic young people, follow up the findings of the Stephen Lawrence report.

      World Council of Churches

      Inter Religious Relations and Dialogue team for this world wide ecumenical organisation.

      Roman Catholic Church

      Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue - resources from this Vatican body.


      Archbishop of Canterbury, inter faith related lectures As leader of the Anglican Communion as well as through his role as the senior religious figure in England, the Archbishop of Canterbury has addressed inter-faith concerns in several speeches at home and abroad. www.archbishopofcanterbury.org

      Inter Faith Exchange

      CTBI  online discussion forum goes live today following the launch of the major study on ethical prosperity, 'Prosperity with a Purpose', in the House of Lords. Go to http:// www.ctbi.org.uk/pwap   Read it and have your say. Join in the debate before the General Election.

      The Holocaust Exhibition : Imperial War Museum

      Four years in the making, the Imperial War Museum's Holocaust Exhibition uses historial material to tell the story of the Nazis' persecution of the Jews and other groups before and during the Second World War.

      Crimes Against Humanity : Imperial War Museum

      An exploration of genocide and ethnic violence. A specially-commissioned 30-minute film is the central element of the Museum's new permanent exhibition with examines the theme of genocide and ethnic conflict.

      ? The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2008


      발췌 : http://www.cofe.anglican.org/info/interfaith/



      ( 게시자 주 )


      위 내용은 영국 성공회의 홈페이지에서 발췌한 것입니다. 위 내용을 보면 영국 성공회가 얼마나 종교 통합적 에큐메니즘에 적극적으로 일하고 있는지 알 수 있습니다. 영국 성공회는 복음주의 진영에서의 에큐메니칼 운동 단체인 WCC에서 매우 두드러진 활약을 하고 있으며 로마 카톨릭이 벌이고 있는 종교 통합적 에큐메니칼 운동에서도 로마 카톨릭과 긴밀한 협조 관계를 갖고 있습니다.


      게시자가 다른 게시에서 반복적으로 언명하였듯이 영국 성공회의 수장은  영국 왕실입니다. 영국 왕실은 프리메이슨 조직의 대부라고 할 수 있으며 세계의 프리메이슨 활동을 지원하고 있습니다. 영국 성공회의 수많은 성직자들과 성도들이 프리메이슨의 단원으로 활동하고 있는 것은 바로 그것의 모체가 영국 왕실이기 때문일 것입니다.


      성공회 교회들은 영국 왕실과 켄터베리 대주교의 지배를 받습니다. 알파코스를 세계적으로 확산하는 일에 주력하고 있는 영국 성공회 소속 HOLY TRINITY BROMPTON ( 이하 HTB 교회)도 이 일을 함에 있어서도 독단적일 수는 없습니다. 영국 왕실과 켄터베리 대주교의 동의가 있을 것이며 지휘를 받을 것입니다. 국내뿐 아니라 세계적으로 조직을 만들고 엄청난 홍보 활동을 전개하고 있습니다.


      알파코스는 성공회가 진행하고 있는 에큐메니칼 운동의 최적인 프로그램으로 선택받은 것입니다. 이것을 전세계의 교회들에 유포하여야겠다는 모멘텀은 바로 영국 왕실과 영국 성공회가 가지고 있는 에큐메니즘 목표일 것입니다. 보십시요. 한국에서도 알파코스를 흡입하고 전개하는 교단들이 전부 WCC에 가입하였으며, 이것을 추천하고 장려하는 분들이 에큐메니칼 운동에 찬동하는 분들이라는 것입니다. 세계의 에큐메니칼 운동에 찬동하는 빌리그래햄을 비롯한 유명한 신복음주의적 목사들이 알파코스를 적극 추천하고 있습니다.


      그런데 문제는 이것의 배후에는 우리가 도저히 인정할 수 없는 커다란 배도의 세력이 자리 잡고 있다는 사실입니다. 그것은 하나의 종교를 목표로 신복음화 운동을 추진하는 로마 카톨릭과 하나의 정부를 목표로 신세계 질서를 창출하려는 프리메이슨 세력입니다. 물론 이것을 추정이라고 코웃음치며 치부할 수도 있겠지만, 이것을 증명하는 수많은 징후들이 가시적인 증빙으로서 쏟아지고 있는 현실 앞에서는 망연 자실할 수 밖에 없습니다. 하나님께서 우리에게 분별하라고 하심은 바로 하나님을 대적하는 세력이 어떠함을 주어지는 여러가지 데이타들을 분석하고 식별하는 것입니다. 그들의 활동으로 부터 나오는 수많은 데이타들을 분별한다면 적어도 경계하는 태도를 취해야 한다는 결론은 틀릴 수 없습니다.



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