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Baptism, the Way to Community

Baptism is more than a way to spiritual freedom.

It is also the way to community.

Baptising a person, whether child or adult, is receiving that person into the community of faith.

Those who are reborn from above through baptism, and are called to live the life of sons and daughters of God, belong together as members of one spiritual family, the living body of Christ.

When we baptise people, we welcome them into this family of God and offer them guidance, support and formation as they grow to the full maturity of the Christ-like life.

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세례를 통하여 위로부터 다시 태어나 하나님의 아들과 딸로서 삶을 살아가도록 부름을 받은 사람들은 더불어 하나의 영적인 가족, 즉 그리스도의 살아있는 몸의 구성원이 됩니다.


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