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MAY 24 예수의 가난함

조회 수 1818 추천 수 0 2010.05.24 15:36:08

MAY 24

Jesus Is Poor

Jesus, the Blessed One, is poor.

The poverty of Jesus is much more than an economic, or social poverty.

Jesus is poor because he freely chose powerlessness over power, vulnerability over defensiveness, dependency over self-sufficiency.

As the great  "Song of Christ" so beautifully expresses: "He... did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But he emptied himself...becoming as human beings are" (Philippians 2:6-7).

This is the poverty of spirit that Jesus chose to live.

Jesus calls us who are blessed as he is to live our lives with that same poverty.

예수의 가난함

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위대한 “그리스도 송가”는 그 것을 매우 아름답게 표현합니다: “그는... 하나님과 동등한 위치가 되는 것을 자신이 취할 무언가로 여기지 않으셨습니다. 오히려 그는 자신을 비워서... 사람들처럼 되셨습니다” (빌 2:6-7)

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