다비안들을 위한 책갈피입니다. 나누고 싶은 책 내용이나 소개하고 싶은 글들은 이곳에 올려주세요~


Jesus, Our Food and Drink

Jesus is the Word of God, Who came down from heaven, was born of the Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit, and became a human being.

This happened in a specific place at a specific time.

But each day when we celebrate the Eucharist, Jesus comes down from heaven, takes bread and wine, and by the power of the Holy Spirit becomes our food and drink.

Indeed, through the Eucharist, God's incarnation continues to happen at any time and at any place.

Sometimes we might think: "I wish I had been there with Jesus and his apostles long ago!"

But Jesus is closer to us now than he was to his own friends.

Today he is our daily bread!

예수, 우리의 먹을 것과 마실 것

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이것은 어떤 특정한 시간에 어떤 특정한 장소에서 일어난 일입니다.


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